Can Bearded Dragons Eat Raspberries?

  • By: Reptilia Planet
  • Time to read: 6 min.

Bearded dragons are amazing animals and are also omnivores which means they can eat a variety of (insects), vegetables, and fruits. However, when feeding a bearded dragon it’s very important they have a balanced diet so they can receive all the nutrients and minerals they need to survive.

Although bearded dragons can eat a number of different insects, vegetables and fruits there are some foods especially fruits that are high in citrus that can be harmful to the reptile, so what about raspberries? can bearded dragons eat raspberries?

Yes! bearded dragons can eat raspberries, however, they should only be given as a treat, their main diet should be a mixture of live insects and vegetables as too many raspberries can give them digestive issues.

Raspberries also contain a lot of tiny seeds and unfortunately, bearded dragons don’t have the iron-lined digestive tract to dissolve seed hulls and if you feed them in high douses could put their health at risk.

Can Baby Bearded Dragons Eat Raspberries?

The diet of young bearded dragons is slightly different compared to adults and requires more nutrition to help them gain weight and muscle mass. They get this boost of nutrition mainly from live insects.

As they grow they’re young will eat 80% live insects and only 20% vegetation yet adult bearded dragon’s diet is the opposite and actually eat more fruit and vegetables for their homeostatic levels.

The Juvenile dragons on the other hand need more proteins to maintain a healthy diet.

So knowing all this, does this mean you can’t feed raspberries to a baby dragon? Well, Yes and No, it really depends on how much you feed them.

If you are only going to give your pet dragon one raspberry then Yes you can “but” if your planning on feeding them a handful then, No! this is not a good idea just for the sake of their digestion.

The bearded dragon will eat anything you give them including their young and when they’re eating the raspberry it may look like they are really enjoying it, and you may be compelled to give them another one right?

“But” unfortunately this is where you need some restraint unless you want your baby dragon to get sick or worse as mentioned above.

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Expired Raspberries?

When feeding your bearded dragon raspberries always check the expiry date just to make sure you’re not feeding them expired fruit. When fruit expires harmful bacteria can build up and if this fruit is then consumed it can make your reptile sick or worse.

“Not only that “but” when fruit expires it no longer contains any of the nutrients or minerals that fruit is good and known for. So there’s no benefit to gain by feeding your dragon expired raspberries.

Preferably you want to feed your reptile fruit that is 100% organic. The reason is, Organic farmers, permit the use of any chemicals or pesticides, unlike non-organic ones, making it healthier for your bearded dragon.

However, using organic fruit is optional, and if all you can purchase is non-organic fruit or veg this is still fine and is still healthy for your pet dragon’s digestion.

When feeding your reptiles any non-organic fruit or veg always make sure you give them a good wash under the tap before serving just to wash away any loose dirt.

Are Raspberries Healthy For Bearded Dragons?

So you know that feeding your bearded dragon too many raspberries can cause some issues, however, what if you’re feeding them a small amount of this fruit? Can it actually be healthy for the dragon?

Feeding them the correct amounts of fruit can be beneficial to their diet. obviously, you can feed adult bearded dragons more raspberries than their young “but” it’s very important to balance their diet with other foods like insects and fresh vegetables.


Raspberries are a good source of fiber and vitamin C, not to mention, has many nutrients despite being low in calories. Here’s a table below to explain in more detail, and show you what the nutritional valve is and the RDI (Reference Daily Intake) is from a single cup of raspberries.

NutritionPer Cup
Fat0.8 grams
Fiber8 grams
Carbs14.7 grams
Protein1.5 grams
Vitamin K12% RDI
Vitamin E5% RDI
Vitamin C54% RDI
Manganese41% RDI

So as you can see in the table above raspberries are packed with plenty of nutrients that can be a benefit to your bearded dragon “but” as before, only if they are fed in small doses, how much depends on the size of your reptile.


Although raspberries have their benefits they do also have their negatives, and even tho we’ve already covered this, it’s best just to go into more detail so you know exactly what the pros and cons “so to speak” of raspberries are.


As we know raspberries contain tiny seeds which can be a problem for your bearded dragon, and as mentioned at the start of this article bearded dragons don’t have an iron-lined digestive tract to dissolve these seed hulls that could lead to serious digestive issues.

So feeding your dragon too many raspberries can cause issues “but” not just because they contain seeds.

They need a balanced diet and If you fed them too many raspberries or any other fruit as a main meal, then this is depriving them of other nutrients they need to survive.

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How To Feed Raspberries To Bearded Dragons?

Feeding your bearded dragon raspberries is fairly straightforward. when the fruit is freshly picked they don’t have any stems to remove and are extremely soft making them easy to chew.

The only thing you need to worry about is how much you feed them. As before, your need to wash the fruit first before your dragon can eat, “after all,” you don’t want them to digest any loose dirt that could give them an upset stomach.

If you have a baby bearded dragon you should only feed them 1 or 2 raspberries at most, mixed with other foods “mainly live insect” so they get that boost of nutrients.

Adults dragons on the other hand can eat slightly more fruit than their young as they don’t require as much nutrition “but” with that said, you still need to mix up the diet with other foods.

Although adult dragons can eat more you should still limit their supply of raspberries because of the number of seeds they contain.

Other Fruits They Can Eat

Bearded dragons can eat other fruits “that again” can have a positive effect on their diet. Mixing these fruits with other vegetables and live insects is key to maintaining a healthy diet for your dragon.

Here’s just a small list of other fruits that bearded dragons can eat which can improve things like digestion, bone health, and muscles. Some of these fruits do have seeds, that should be removed from being fed to your pet reptile.

FruitsGood For
ApricotImproved digestion, eye health
StrawberriesHeart health, blood sugar Levels
WatermelonImproves muscles, blood pressure
MelonsHelps with digestion, bone health
PapayasCan reduce inflammation
PearsAids with muscle, heart function
CherriesImmune system, digestive system
ApplesCan Improve digestion
GuavaContains high levels of antioxidants

Their Main Diet

A bearded dragon diet in the wild is a mixture of insects, plants, and fruits depending on what’s in their habitat. They will eat almost anything they come across yet, still keeping a healthy balanced diet.

If you own a bearded dragon then below is a list of other foods your dragon can eat. As before, Age does matter when it comes to giving your reptile a healthy balanced diet.

Remember baby bearded dragon’s diet is 80% live insects and only 20% fruit, and greens, vice versa for adults.

Phoenix wormsCollardsGrapes
Dubai roachesCorianderMango
EarthwormsMustard greensPears
SilkwormsDandelion greensPlums
King wormsTurnip greensWatermelon


So there you go, now you know bearded dragons can eat raspberries with caution. In the end, if you don’t feel safe feeding your pet reptile this type of fruit feed them insects.

Although, raspberries are a nice fruit to eat Bearded dragons will enjoy live insects a lot more, especially if it’s a nice juicy grub after all they are natural predators.

If you own a baby dragon really you should be feeding them plenty of live insects to boost their nutrition as mentioned at the start they’re young will eat 80% live insects and only 20% fruit or vegetation.

If this is your first time owning a bearded dragon there are online stores where you can order different kinds of insects among other things for replies.

One store we do recommend is there you can get an idea of the types of food they have on offer.